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Often our MOT & car services can creep up on us just at the wrong time – when bills are due, the fridge freezer packs up or paying for holidays or trips away. Maybe you just want to get ahead and get everything planned in advance. So start booking your MOT early. But exactly how soon can you get your Cars MOT done?

How long is an MOT valid for?

An MOT on any vehicle lasts for one year. This means you have exactly one year from the last test until your next one is due. However, there is an option to MOT your car early.
Earliest date for MOT

You can MOT your car up to a month (minus a day) before it runs out. Although you have renewed early, your renewal date will stay the same on your certificate for next year.

However, you can renew your car even earlier if required – if you renew your MOT up to more than one calendar month before, the test will be valid until 2 months from the new test date.

What if my MOT has run out?

The only exceptions to drive a vehicle that’s MOT has expired is:

Driving to or from somewhere to be repaired
To a pre-arranged MOT test

Remember, of you take your MOT test early and your vehicle fails, you shouldn’t be driving the car. Even though you may still have a valid MOT certificate that hasn’t yet expired. If your car has failed its MOT, this means the car is dangerous to you, other drivers and other passengers in your vehicle.

The DVSA state your vehicle needs to meet minimum standards of being roadworthy at all times.


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